Aziz Ansari - Buried Alive [Album] ~ 2015

Descargar/Download - Aziz Ansari - Buried Alive [Album] ~ 2015

1 Babies
2 25 And Pregnant
3 I Was the Cutest Kid of All Time
4 Bullying
5 Having a Kid Is a Crazy Gamble
6 Cheese Is Everywhere: Describing a Night Out
7 A Chunk on Marriage
8 Proposal Stories: "We Were at a 5 Star Restaurant."
9 Marriage is an Insane Proposal
10 The Chick-Fil-A Dilemma
11 My Cousins in India / Arranged Marriages
12 Modern Ghosts
13 Meeting the Love of Your Life at Bed Bath and Beyond
14 If My Generation Was a Font, We'd be Comic Sans
15 Online Dating Material
16 Grindr
17 Girls That Say Wooooo! and Dumb Dudes
18 Black Dudes Are Blown Away by Magic Tricks
19 Gentlemen vs. Dudes
20 Don't Ever Send Women Photos of Your Penis
21 Club Songs (This is the Best Night of Your Life!)
22 Encore: Meeting President Obama
23 Encore: Seal Story
